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A new-generation frail care facility that specializes in providing personalized care for people suffering from Alzheimer's and other types of Dementia. We aim to improve the holistic wellness and overall quality of life of our residents.

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Purpose built care facility - 24-hour specialized frail care is provided in an environment where residents dignity is maintained. Qualified nursing and caring staff.

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Midway employs qualified nursing and caring staff to ensure the well-being of the resident. A doctor will be available for emergency medical situations.

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A variety of therapeutic activities aimed at stimulating the mind/brain and ensuring physical wellbeing. Arts, Crafts and Sensory Stimulation.

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We take full responsibility for your loved one’s safety, security and well-being. 24hr CCTV surveillance throughout the premises – inside and outside. 

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Registered member of: Alzheimer’s SA; Dementia SA; Parkinson SA; and SA Older Persons Forum.




Midway is a small, but intimate Frail Care Centre – a home, away from home – we strive to maintain a homely environment for all our residents rather than a corporate or clinical environment. (In our experience corporate or clinical environments actually frightens them). Located on the eastern outskirts of Pretoria on a smallholding, the living space is peaceful and provides the tranquility that frail elderly persons need.

Midway Care offers a multifaceted approach to health care with a strong focus on healthy nutrition and a variety of therapeutic activities aimed at stimulating the mind/brain and ensuring holistic well-being.

Focusing on personalized care for people suffering from Alzheimer’s, Dementia and Parkinson’s, as well as on general frail care services, our aim is to restore dignity and quality of life for our residents.

We make the necessary doctor’s appointments, dentist appointments, optomotrist, radiology appointments etc. We also provide transport and accompany our residents to their appointments. 
Physiotherapists and other therapists visit residents directly at Midway Care Centre.

At Midway Care we are proud of numerous success stories where our patients were able to return home with much improved health and well being.

We believe that our holistic approach is key to our success rate, alongside with the committed and authentic care we hold for our residents.

At Midway Care our residents are family.

  • Ek het met 'n lekker hart vir my kinders in Namibia en Zambia gaan kuier omdat ek weet sy is in liefdevolle hande van al die personeel. En dan ń spesiale dank vir wat julle gedoen het vir ouma toe sy haar heup gebreek het, julle het saam met haar hospitaal toe gegan en al die reelings getref en dan na dae die aandag wat sy gekry het in die step down was fantasties. 

    Oupa Gert

  • Midway Care Centre, 'n plek van vreugde en dankbaarheid vir my. In die tyd wat ek betrokke is by Midway, het verskillende pasiente daar gearriveer met min menswaardigheid en lewenskwaliteit. Nie baie lank nie, dan verander hul situasie na positief. Dit is as gevolg van versorging op hoë vlak en vertroue in ons Hemelse Vader.

    Karin Curtis

  • Dankie is te n klein woordjie - Dankbaarheid het meer letters maar sê nog nie wat ek wil sê nie. Sharon, Suster Ansovi en al die wonderlike personeel - verpleegkundiges, mense in die kombuis, skoonmaakmense en tuinmense - ek sê baie baie dankie vir die tyd wat Ouma Sally daar by julle kon deurbring. Ek waardeer dit opreg en bid dat julle vir nog baie ou mensies soveel liefde sal gee.

    Ina Coetzee

  • From the time that she arrived, Mum received the best of care. Everyone who works at the Centre is highly professional and copes with the quirks and difficulties of people living with Alzheimer’s Disease, with an ease and a comfort that amazed us every time we visited our Mum (we tried to visit her every weekend). Her appetite and her physical health improved as she was encouraged to eat healthily and as she exercised regularly, walking around the beautiful garden. 



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